  • Location
    Siberian Federal District, Volga Federal District
  • Start Date
    April 7, 2024
  • End Date
    April 15, 2024
  • Type
    Ice flood
  • Cumulated rainfall
  • Maximum rainfall
  • Death Toll
  • Missing Person
  • Collapsed House
  • Evacuated Person
  • Economic Losses
The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations announced on the evening of April 9 that more than 10,500 houses and 19,400 housing plots in 37 federal entities in Russia were flooded. From April 7 to 11, the average temperature of the Siberian Federal District and the Federal District along the Volga River in Russia will continue to rise, the speed of snowmelt and river thaw will accelerate, and the low-lying areas and transportation infrastructure in many regions will face flooding in the future.

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