  • Location
    North Kazakhstan Oblast, Akmola Oblast, Aktobe Obl
  • Start Date
    April 1, 2024
  • End Date
    April 16, 2024
  • Type
    Ice flood
  • Cumulated rainfall
  • Maximum rainfall
  • Death Toll
  • Missing Person
  • Collapsed House
  • Evacuated Person
  • Economic Losses
On April 2, 2024 local time, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan reported that floods occurred in many regions of Kazakhstan due to the spring snowmelt. As of April 18, 2024, five people have died and nearly 120,000 have been evacuated. A total of 5,411 homes in five states were flooded. In addition, 103 roads were flooded, 80 roads and nine Bridges were washed out

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