ICFM – Webinar No.7
Increasing resilience to flooding through non-engineering measures
December 2, 2021

Drawing upon the practices from different countries, the use of engineering measures in flood management (such as reservoirs, embankments, detention basins) is not sufficient. The non-engineering measures have been gaining more attention to reduce flood risk and increase resilience. These measures usually involve flood regulations and laws, forecast and prediction, risk analysis and management, insurance system, emergency preparedness, disaster recovery, and awareness-raising education, etc. Unlike engineering measures that mainly rely on the functioning of flood-control structures, non-engineering measures emphasize standardizing human role in flood prevention and development of flood-prone areas and reduction of disaster damages afterward.

Many countries implement non-engineering measures, integrate them with engineering solutions, and receive positive feedback from past flood events. Yet, there is still more work to do. For example, we need to improve the meteorological and hydrological early warning systems, strengthen the flood rescue team building, widely share flood-related knowledge and the notion of “living with floods,” and organize flood response exercises on a regular basis, etc.

The seventh ICFM webinar will focus on the latest experience with non-engineering measures and how they help increase resiliency. This 90-minute event will include four presentations that will bring address flood emergency equipment and facilities, flood risk communication, flood support for communities, etc.

Webinar Programme


  • Slobodan P. Simonovic
    ICFM Chairperson, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, Western University, Canada


  • Emre Akcali
    Deputy Director, Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works of Turkey, Turkey
    Flood Museum and Innovative Flood Control Facilities
  • SUN Dongya
    Professor, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China
    Technologies and Equipment for Flood Fighting in China
  • Masatoshi DENDA
    Senior Researcher, Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), Japan
    Developments of virtual floods experiences system and verification on its reality
  • Jason T. Smith
    Program Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S.A.
    Iowa Silver Jackets Interagency Team - Flood Support for Communities

Q & A session

Watch the playback here or click the link


Presentations can be accessed here:


Moderator: ZHANG Cheng, Director of the Permanent ICFM Secretariat, IWHR, China

International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM)
China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)

Permanent Secretariat of ICFM

Technical support
Medcon Conference Service Platform (MEDCON)

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