ICFM Adhoc Committee
Slobodan Simonovic, ICLR, Canada (ad-hoc com. chair)
Jos van Alphen, Dutch Delta Program, Netherlands
Elizabeth Bourget, IWR - U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, USA
Nigel Wright, University of Leeds, UK
Xiaotao Cheng, IWHR, China
Erich Plate, Karlsruhe University, Germany
Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, ICHARM, Japan
Siegfried Demuth, UNESCO - IHP, France
Stefan Uhlenbrook, UNESCO-IHE Institute of Water Education, Netherlands
Local Organising Committee
Rubem La Laina Porto (chair) University of Sao Paulo - USP
Arisvaldo Vieira Mello Junior (co-chair) University of Sao Paulo - USP / ABRH
Andre Schardong - University of Sao Paulo - USP
Vladimir Caramori Borges de Souza – UFAL / ABRH
Jussara Cabral Cruz – University of Santa Maria / ABRH
Rodrigo Cordeiro - Acquacon
Monica Ferreira do Amaral Porto - USP
Alexandre Baltar - Odebrecht
International Scientic/Organising Committee
Ali Chavoshian, CTI Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
Zhaoyin WANG – Tsinghua University
Peng CUI – CAS Key Laboratory
FransKlijn – Deltares
Chris Zevenbergen – IHE – UNESCO Delft
Monica Ferreira do Amaral Porto - USP
Mario Thadeu de Barros - USP
Carlo Eduardo Tucci - UFRGS
Benedito Braga Jr – USP
AdemirPaceliBarbassa – UFSCar
André Silveira – IPH/UFRGS
AntônioMarozziRighetto – UFRN
César Augusto Pompêo – UFSC
Edson Wendland – EESC/USP
Eduardo MárioMendiondo – EESC/USP
Jaime Joaquim da Silva Pereira Cabral – UFPE
João Luiz BocciaBrandão – EESC/USP
Jorge Eurico Ribeiro Matos – UFBA
José Rodolfo Scarati Martins – USP
KlebberFormiga – UFG
Nilo de Oliveira Nascimento– UFMG
Priscilla Macedo Moura – UFMG
Rodrigo Braga Moruzzi – UNESP
Rodrigo de Melo Porto – EESC/USP
Sérgio Koide – UnB
Siegfried Demuth, UNESCO - IHP, France
Tarciso Cabral – UFPB
Giuliano Di Baldassarre, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
Alexandre Silveira - Universidade Federal de Alfenas
Adolfo Villanueva - UNICEN
Beatriz Ceballos - UniversidadeEstadual da Paraíba
Carlos Lima - UNB
Conceição Fortes - Lnec
DaviGaspariniFernandes Cunha - USP
Demetrio Luis Guadagnin - UFSM
Fernando Mainardi Fan - UFRGS
Francisco Bragança
Francisco Marcuzzo - CPRM
João Alfredo Santos
João Augusto de Pessôa - ANA
Jorge Enoch Furquim Werneck Lima - Embrapa
José Carlos Cesar Amorim - IME - InstitutoMilitar de Engenharia
Jussara de Oliveira Ortiz - Inpe
LaudízioDiniz - CAGEPA
Liliana Naval - UFT
Luciano Gebler - Embrapa
Márcia Lara - UFMG
Marcos Airton de Sousa Freitas - ANA
Marcelo Gomes Miguez - UFRJ
Marllus Gustavo Ferreira Passos das Neves - Ufal
Paulo Rógenes - IPH-UFRGS
Pedro Chaffe - UFSC
Rodrigo Paiva - Byrd Polar Research Center / Ohio State University
Rogério Campos - Unifor
RosaneCavalcante - IPH/UFRGS
Sérgio Braga - UFPR
Sylvana Santos - UFPE
Suzana Montenegro - UFPE
Telma Teixeira
TerencioAguiar Junior - UniversidadeTécnica de Lisboa
Teresinha Xavier - Secrel
Tobias Bleninger - UFPR
Vander Kaufmann - FURB
ICFM6 will be organised by the Brazilian Water Resource Association – ABRH. Founded in 1977, ABRH is a non-profit professional association dedicated to the advancement of water resources management, research, and education. It is a professional association that congregates a wide variety of water resources experts including engineers, educators, biologists, geographers, managers, regulators, hydrologists, attorneys and social scientists.
ABRH is a highly respected organization in Brazil and abroad. Its meetings and symposia are the most significant water events in Brazil, with over 1,500 water professionals participating in its bi-annual symposium and presenting over 1,000 technical and scientific papers. Regional and specialty meetings are also an important arena for development of significant water issues in Brazil. Several meetings are organized in cooperation with organizations from Latin America and Portuguese speaking countries.
Throughout its 34 years of existence, ABRH developed a strong partnership with similar entities worldwide, especially with the IWRA - International Water Resources Association, IAHS - International Association on Hydraulic Sciences, APRH - Associação Portuguesa de RecursosHídricos, IWA - international Water Association, and the GWP - Global Water Partnership.
ABRH has greatly contributed to making Brazil an international benchmark in the field of water resources thanks to its continuous commitment to the water cause.
President: Jussara Cabral Cruz
Vice-President: Vladimir Caramori de Souza
Diretoria de Publicações: AdilsonPinheiro
Diretoria de Eventos: Cristiano Poleto
Diretoria de ComissõesTécnicas: Jorge Enoch Furquim Werneck Lima
Diretoria de RepresentaçõesRegionais: Alexandre Moreira Baltar